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Archive for December, 2007

Top 10 Simple Winter Comforts

December 30th, 2007 at 04:22 pm

Now that the frenetic pace of the holidays is almost behind us, and the cold (here in the Northern Hemisphere) days of January and February stretch ahead, I've made a list of some of my small, frugal winter joys that are special to this more "yin" time of year. I'd love to hear yours!

1) hot water bottle tucked between the sheets on a frosty night
2) steaming mug of hot scented tea or cocoa with marshmallows
3) potpourri of orange rinds, cinnamon stick, and whole cloves simmering on stove
4) contemplative hike in state park or nature preserve to observe Mother Nature at rest
5) invigorating bike ride on local rails to trails path
6) reading a good book by the fire
7) listening to music programs on NPR radio
8) warm, fleecy baggy clothes
9) ham and bean soup in the crockpot
10) planning a fun getaway for the summer months

An income of $30,881 puts you in the top 50%

December 20th, 2007 at 11:35 pm

Interesting article at to see how your income stacks up compared to other Americans. And a calculator to see exactly where you fit and how much of the national tax burden you pay.

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